Monday, February 26, 2007

To perfect procrastination

I provide you a handy guide.

1. Tell people "Soon, soon. Trust meh!".
2. Proceed to forget about it for the next 3 week or more.
3. Remember at the worst time possible (Such as during history revision).
4. Carry out the promise to procrastinate the act of another procedure that is of greater priority.

I need to actually start blogging properly again, since all the CNY hoo-hah has kinda died down. Ah! I feel full of motivation and conviction to spew out pointless irrelevancies that will not benefit society or individuals in anyway whatsoever! Happiness and content is me!

Thus we see the effects of European imperialism on the average Singaporean student, especially in the field of the compromising of sanity.

Back to the topic, or lack thereof.

I shall procrastinate further, I guess. Since there's a history test tomorrow and I still have no idea what peripheral and metropolitan imperialism actually are. Or what Cowie or Cooper or Anderson said. Or if some tribe leader made some pact with some nationalist that led to the fall or some tribe in some village in some part of Africa.

I need Error Carry Forward to get me some marks. Some hope I have.

But alas! We have no dieux ex machina to come down to save our sorry hides. So let us wallow in self-pity and woe and all that, and jump of the building with the rest of the population!

"solleh, dis floor is prime spot, vely crowded liao. go eleven floor jum insted caan?"

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Deaf to all but song

Probably due to the fact that I've been working my iPod into oblivion these days.

I need to stop procrastination and stuff to actually get down to doing some of the piles and piles and piles of homework and revision. Woe is me - let me be all dark and gloomy and go jump off a building like a silly bugger!

"Harrh? Block 142, 30th storey ah? Okay, pless the led button and take number, then go line up there"


The Passion talk on Friday was made of bored and phail. Caught a brief 10minute or so nap during the first half an hour, before proceeding to scribble random unrelated notes on the post-it pads they gave out. The lecturers weren't really interesting. We had Fat Man talking about passionate tutoring, Anorexic Girl talking about applying for project grants and Douglas Foo about Sushi and ApexPal. And baking love, which was rather amusing.

I will not speak on the Dialogue session as I harbour no intention to rant.

Sec 1s welcome party was wholly amusing - pretty much made up for the hell we had to sit through earlier (That caused me to miss another EDC meeting.). The speech and presentations were of mild boredom, but the games were.

I lol'd hard.

Whacko was just silly, with people faking names and throwing the rolled up plastic/PVC bag around. The outside games were a case of bad planning that turned out in the favor of the participants - group of us managed to tie Wenhao up and buy drinks from the vending machine. And watch people to physical conditioning.

Kept at that for a while, before heading back in for the party. We ate tortillas, Ba Gua and other junk whilst grooving out to Tokyo Drift, Jump and other songs that drum a repeated hypnotic beat into you. And so after a happy long time, it ended and we taught the Sec 1s how to bond.

Thanks to Terence and Jiachen for crashing, too. :] That was real nice, taking out time like that. AND showing us the finer points of how to party for real.

Reached home late, slept soon after.

Then came today, in which I had a momentary bout of panic under the impression that there was an EDC meeting.

Turned out to be false, no EDC meeting, increased heartbeat was to no avail.

The rest of the day was spent trying my best not to slack off.

But really, there's a bit too much work of late.

Which questions why I'm actually blogging when I should be a happy mugger.