Friday, April 27, 2007

I Am @ Youth.SG

Once a upon a time.

A group of friends were merrily jaunting down the sidewalks of sunny island Singapore whilst trying to avoid being handed some pamphlets. And then in the midst of their merry jaunting-ness they found their way into the lands of a man on a mat. Which a can in his hand. And a bunch of bad rhymes in his pocket.

And unto him they said,
"lol y u b3ggz0r 4 c45h".

And thus is spoke this verily true line,
"no $, lol".

And they pondered over his plight. In glorious summation they uttered,
"lol wadeva n00b u53 p4yp41".

And they walked off. It was a sad, sad day.

Butbut heyheyheyheyheyheyhey. Let's put things into perspective and actual to relation to what I'm applying my logic or lack thereof to.

We are the next generation of scientists and researchers in a biotechnological hub of the future.
We are the new team of political leaders and government to bring the nation into a better tomorrow.
We are the essence of infocomm-savvy and the epitome of worthy computing skills.

"Tell me, Dr. , what do the youths of today believe in?"
"I'm not sure, Mr. Holmes - does it involve the internet?"
"Excellent, my dear Watson! They love the fame and 5p34k1ng 1i3k +h15."
"And eBay?"
"Yes. They love eBay."

The teens of today are a motley crew. Our age is that of widespread connections from the national to international level. Gone are the days when the mailbox had handwritten letters of Fun in the Sun, Wish you were here, Thanks for the books - incoming is the new era of fun in LAN, w15h u w3r3 h3r3, ty 4 +7 sword. We feed on computing.

Connections. This is an era of connections. GenY loves the sights and sounds of an online city, the letters and numbers that make about converstaions like 01010110010101 - we stand not the lack of IT, for the lack of IT is both pain and bad pun. O, prostrate thyne unworthy self in front of ze intranetz! Beholdeth its earth-shaking prowess and worship thy power withineth it!

Not like that's a bad thing.

As the youth of Singapore we strive for fun, joy and laughter.

We love the feel of ego growing under anonymous means, or perhaps the acknowledgement that one is better at losing credit card info and personal sanity. We want to talk with people who would never speak to us in real life - because they actually know who we are already. We strive for the statistics and numbers to take our mind of work and life, pumping good focus into acquiring a bunch of pretty pixels and a virtual acid trip. We mould every whim and fancy to fit what the internet can provide for us, and have fun while doing it.

Show some love for the online gambler. He seems to know what he's doing.
Show some love for the e-merchant. He doesn't seem to know what he's doing.
Show some love the avid gamer. He'd rather not know what he's doing.
And show some love for the blogger. He knows what the others are doing.

Drugs for children. They're doing drugs for children.

And face it, we're hooked, we're Singaporean.

Enjoy the ride. :]

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