Sunday, May 13, 2007

How divine a comedy

I now feel the pain of Dante, for I too hath gone through hell.

Thus is the end of OBS, which I did not blog about till today in spite of returning back to Sunny Island a day ahead of schedule.

In a nutshell, it was rather...


...interesting an experience which, in all manners of political correctness, will serve to highly enrich my future and experience as a member of the rapidly globalizing hub of biotechnology that is our glorious nation.

Admittedly, I did like it at some parts. Lemme break things down a little.

Day 1 was as boring as undercooked chicken pie.

Day 2 was as boring as undercooked chicken pie.

Day 3 was as boring as undercooked chicken pie.

Day 4 was fun because I was at the medical centre.

Day 5 was fun because I was at home.


Aha! I seem to spot heavy generalisation here. I have strategically cut out the important bits!

Let us move into the specifics.

Day 1 -

We spent an hour or so waiting at the jetty whilst talking and walking around aimlessly. Then the ferry got to us and we took it to Ubin.


And then had a briefing and another briefing and a happy fun joyful sit in circle introduction thing which I thoroughly enjoyed because I am an Explorer In My Own Right.

And we pitched tent and learn some skills that will not be used in future.

Day 2 -

We trekked not that far to the other camp to pitch our tents and go through more briefings. We did some high elements for five minutes after an hour or so of preparations. Then we ate lunch and went to kayak.

The first fun thing, really. Floating in sea aimlessly never seemed to appealing.

Dinner in the cookhouse, good food at last. Good food did not last.

The longan syrup ran out.

Day 3 -

Go for weird small games in morning, talk to Ben about gaming and sunblock. Run out of sunblock, feel pain in neck, hooray.

Then came the land expedition. Ooooo yeah.


Sums it up. Though, if you reeeeaaaaalllllly wanna be specific about things.


There, better? Y/N.

Nearing new campsite had what was close to an asthma attack, bag straps finally broke off after padding came off an hour or so earlier. Carry whole bag in arms whilst trying to use inhaler, learn that walking into tree is painful.

Reached campsite, ate maggi with soil. AND THEN.

Instructor realised that I seemed to be dying and was put under observation. Sat in tent, fell asleep, woken up a bit later to be sent to medical centre.

Highlight of the Night, took a speedboat round Pulau Ubin back to camp at 12 o'clock or so. That was truly enjoyable.


Day 4 -

Woke up, took some medicine, accompanied a two others to cookhouse for breakfast, went to Sengkang Polyclinic for a long wait for a 5 minute appointment, discovered who John Jay was. (He was the guy in the other bunk at medic centre.) Contemplated existentialism whilst willing 2130 to be called by pharmacist, went back to Ubin.

Stayed in centre for a little more, got baggage in order, WENT BACK TO PUNGGOL JETTY AND GOT HOME.

I'd never felt so liberated in my entire life.

Day 5 -

I was at home, yay.

So thus was the OBS enriching experience. Lovely is it not?

Day 5, also, was the CAP Meeting.


It was fun, in all truth.

Reached there, took a brief walk around before being spotted by the already present Councillor party. Moved over for a chat.

*reenactment of conversation and some humor goes here.*

Then went to help upstairs, followed by standing at the aisle whilst making horse jokes.

Thus later went to help with the collation of application forms and things. Enjoyable fun it was not, but enjoyable fun the aftermath was. Fiddled with sub-machine camera flash. Then went with the superseniors for dinner at Far East. T'was much fun and talk.

Saturday was fun joy and laughter.

Sunday was mothers day and a lot of sleep. And flu. Can't forget the flu.

...Oh gods, the flu.

Thus I speak.


asdasidjcjxckzxjckzjxck. (because every blog post needs one.)

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