Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rally the good men

We're starting a revolution!

And we're going to fail utterly, since the authorities demand it to be so, and anything we say in reply is besides the point and hence not relevant.

It's not going to make you popular. It's not going to make you loved. It's simple logic - shooting down a person's point while making a fool of him does not constitute to boosting school morale. If you want an assembly that is supposed to let us share ideas and contribute to the school,

At least try to make it sound like you've considered the options before stating them to be flawed.

Yes, some are made of fail. Some are really fail. Some are a disgrace to failure. But it just isn't right to mock and make fun of them right in the face of their peers. Oh, perhaps it's all one great big joke to grin and yodel at. Hah hah hah - Am I laughing right? 'cos I think you're trying to be funny.

Watching some poor sod suffer for no apparent reason isn't entertainment. It's human ego running its path - reserve this for the silly reality TV shows, thank you very much.

(Actors don't count. They get paid to wallow in misery and publicity.)

This isn't a rant. It is constructive and happy feedback by a constructive and happy student.

And now, shifting onto the usual, crack-induced me -

I have utterly given up on math homework. This field is best left to be dominated by the Julians and Dereks of the world. Not for the personifications of the lack of logical reasoning - like me.

But overall, this has been a pretty GOOD DAY. But GOOD DAY was spoilt by bad assembly, which shall be cast aside and utterly ignored, ho-hum.

Math was wasted on trying to unblock the program we were supposed to use, so naturally, being active, multitasking students, we went and read our online lessons over and over while browsing miscellaneous sites of leisure pursuit in the name of fun, joy and laughter. History was quite funny, Mr Docherty was in a GOOD MOOD today, adding on to the GOOD DAY. Though he smells like a furniture store, somehow. The Ikea-ish sorta essence.

Then school ended, and Bing came over to my place to complete the Lit presentation. It was GOOD DISCIPLINE since we actually kept to task. Though the 40 minutes or so after we were done was spent on de_dust2 and the clever use of Krieg.

Following which I realised there was still homework, which put quite an indentation on GOOD DAY. But, hey! It was math which I wouldn't be able to solve regardless. So GOOD RIDDANCE to homework.

And then, GOOD GOSH, it dawned on me that it was 1 in the morning.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Of into sleep for 5 hours in the afternoon is a bad, bad thing.

Considering I've homework to actually get done after procrastination, even worse.

Such a mortal fool! This shell of a human can no longer stand up to the beck and call of society, pushed into a cage of self-induced depression by the wanton locks and grips of essay-writing! What level has our world degenerated to. requiring such extremes measures to increase word count on online diaries!

Mr Docherty could do with giving us less work. And bringing his bagpipes to school. And his banjo. And the various other instruments he probably carries in his left pocket. Would be nice if he loosened up a bit during lessons - him laughing makes much more interesting a history lesson. Reduces the need to sneak in snacks and various confections to perk ourselves up.

On the subject of confections.

My Sis baked yesterday.

Oh gods, poor oven.

Admittedly it wasn't that bad. Sure, the top was burnt. Sure, the taste was nonexistent. Sure, dark chocolate isn't a good ingredient. But still - it actually looked like a muffin and not the charcoal lumps I expected to exit the oven in a flurry of flames, fingers and utter hilarity.

Have some hilarity.

Anyway, since I've stepped on the path of no return by augmenting this post with a link, might as well go further. Took a Enneagram personality test -

Which reveals that I am, in fact, a.

Type 6 - The Loyalist
Conflicted between trust and distrust
  • "also robs the Six of much needed peace of mind"
  • "and restless imaginings of everything that might go wrong."
  • "Sixes don't trust easily; they are often ambivalent about others, until the person has absolutely proven herself, at which point they are likely to respond with steadfast loyalty"

I sound like some sort of insane, schizophrenic semi-human breed.

And speaking of breeds - yes, definitely elven, you.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

All that drama

From all that haywire insanity floating around.

I'm drained, rather much. After today's madcap events, monotone to the untrained eye, hilarious to seasoned members of 3N'07.

Which brings to mind the process behind training an eye. Like, Pavlov-style? Woof-woof, good dog, now bite the hemlock.


Woke up pretty early, before heading out to Orchard. Met up with Bert and Zach to contemplate jaywalking and existentialism in Wheellock place, before proceeding down the the MOE branch at Grange Road. A happy walk all the way down while watching the two afore-mentioned slap the stuffing out of each other while throwing some theories around.

Ah! The passion and vigor of psychological discourse!

We made it there in one piece, surprisingly.

Entered the seminar room, and sat down. Proceeded to discuss irrelevant topics whilst fiddling with handphones.

Then the actual presentation started, and wow, were we nervous and afraid and other pre-event cliche rubbish you insincerely write on blogs lengthen the post length!

So the first team went up to present on a topic I could not bother to remember, following which it came to our turn and we got up and.


Walked over to the computer and opened our powerpoint, commencing presentation.

Speed was off, we nearly didn't make it in time. Content was pretty well covered, explains the speed bit. Remove all photographs of people from slides in future.

Anyway, we made it through the presentation, and the QnA was fine. Went back to our seats to slack for the rest of the session, trying our best to actually act like interested individuals who did not feel that the event was getting more and more boring as the seconds flew by.

Then the thing was over, and we left to room to discuss a bit and watch a chicken eat porridge. And of course, to formulate a plan to get our lazy bums to back to Orchard MRT.

We had, in supplies -
- 1 Car
- 3 Umbrellas
- 8 people

So three of us ended up walking back to Wheellock while the rest took a quick scoot into the car.

Though I kinda enjoyed the walk back. Considering how much we fooled around and made a public nuisance of ourselves. And we got there before the car - don't buy Toyota.

Wandered around, had lunch, then went to Bugis Street.

Which is crowded. Very crowded. Sardines have it easy.

We walked around the place like a bunch of lost sheep stuck in a frying pan. Similar hot and sticky phenomena. General pacing has its wonders, though. After a mere 3 hours or more, Zach actually bought the bag we had saw a long long long long long long long long time back! And Bing got a shirt all of a sudden.

I bought apple juice.

I am a sad, sad person.

So we amused ourselves a bit more by getting lost, before heading back to the MRT station. Hurrah and all that, we made it without being turned to pate by the omnipresent masses of people. And I went home.


Friday, January 26, 2007

The Herald

Of disaster is a face of death.

Gosh, Mr Lee sure looked deathly today.

Thus you can conclude my math test was a disaster.

Careless, careless, tsk tsk. As always, really. I'm not the meticulous, let's-count-the-numbers type, nor the genius, let's-answer-the-questions-asleep type. So I got what I expected, really. Nothing too devastating to gasp and clench and emo over.

That's for the chinese test.

But let us throw aside such taints and blemishes to look upon the brighter side of life! O, the sunflowers and meadows and other flammable stuff!

MPP critique/presentation tomorrow. Oh bugger.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Trickle by fast when you've a math test the next day. Faster when failing is certain.

It would be nice to manipulate time - you know, like.

Image copyright HOLE OF YAGO

That. Then I'll be able to comprehend all that simplification or expansion rubbish while being able to get enough sleep. Or squeeze in a bit of gaming.

But, alas! The woes of Sec 3 life in Hwachong. We need to adapt and change and whatnot, or so says the upper echelons of school hierarchy, in the name of Darwin and his fat lumps of turtle. Which happen to live nice and long lives, unlike us pitiful fools who suffer mortality whilst having to spend it on learning how to add numbers to get.



Like wow the utter comprehension! Enlightenment hath dawneth!

It's not like I utterly hate math.

I like a nice, simple problem that can be calculated and simplified easily. Not one of those malicious monstrosities that scream to be smeared with excesses of liquid paper. Sure, they exercise the mind and train logic and et cetera - but they're a pain in the nether regions to solve.

This means I'll need some medication in preparation for tomorrow.

But blazes! Dingbat! Echinococcus! I shall face up to the challenge!

And sleep.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Has been observed in the form of yours truly encountering death by completing the square.

I lack a head for math and logic, and do not see the point in turning an equation into

a(h-x)^2 + c

or whatever the bugger is.

But then again, the world's pretty much a numbers game nowadays, so let's make a simple conclusion - "Yegods, I'm screwed.". Which pretty much applies, considering my lack of aptitude for anything mathematical in nature. Including physics. Don't get me started on physics. Memory work and equations constitute utter damnation for this numerophobic soul.


I should be doing math, but I, being a numerophobic soul heylookit'saideologism have decided to instead write to Mentor and blog about something utterly relevant, I swear, to my homework. But the arts and math just so do not go together.

"Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thy 3.1415926535."

To which Romeo gushes forth in a emotional recital of formulae.

I shall return to amusing myself with solving another pointless equation.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

There is an utter blank

On this blog. Oh, the woe and other emo whatnot.

It is mighty horrible to find out that good ole' HTML has been kicked out by XML. Which is quite a spot of bother, especially when you've just spent ages coding a skin from near scratch, only to find that break-row now needs a separate tag to close it. But such a drastic problem must surely require utter depth to cover, not breath - so let me give you an analogy.

You have a zoo. But you tell me that got no animal in the zoo, lol. But, you see, the animal is not there because the animal is there. I ask you, what heck? There is a zoo, there must be animals, or at least signs of them. But you say that no, only snakes. That are endangered, and hence are on the road sides. I go Wut and the button makes a sound. The guys at the top laugh at you and say that zoos have depth, and listing is bad for health. Then I say that Star Wars is of utter importance, and you silently contemplate along with me, while everyone stands up to cheer for the camera.

At 1.15, your mind works slower.

I wonder, really, why people even bother to keep blogs, if all posts are like this.

Blogger's new drag and drop function is useful.

I drank coffee earlier. With a lot of milk.

However illegal the raid had been, this telegram was a diplomatic blunder.

As you can see I'm desperately trying to prolong this post.

I don't like blogging about controversial issues, such as inter-school relationships being torn apart by competitions aimed to gain money from commercials and sponsors, though the host was entertaining. I can't tell you that I don't like reality TV, which monopolizes on people's suffering to gain viewer-ship from issues like racism, bias, and mud-slinging.

After all, I'm a politically apathetic youth. I may get sued.