Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Has been observed in the form of yours truly encountering death by completing the square.

I lack a head for math and logic, and do not see the point in turning an equation into

a(h-x)^2 + c

or whatever the bugger is.

But then again, the world's pretty much a numbers game nowadays, so let's make a simple conclusion - "Yegods, I'm screwed.". Which pretty much applies, considering my lack of aptitude for anything mathematical in nature. Including physics. Don't get me started on physics. Memory work and equations constitute utter damnation for this numerophobic soul.


I should be doing math, but I, being a numerophobic soul heylookit'saideologism have decided to instead write to Mentor and blog about something utterly relevant, I swear, to my homework. But the arts and math just so do not go together.

"Romeo, O Romeo, wherefore art thy 3.1415926535."

To which Romeo gushes forth in a emotional recital of formulae.

I shall return to amusing myself with solving another pointless equation.

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