Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Where is MOUNTAIN?

j-кun ;; says: your blog is digging it's grave..

He has a point there.

Anyway. Just watched Edward Scizzorhands. It was.


Go watch it. As soon as possible.
Do not waste this prime cut of beef to sink your teeth into. Or hands. Hur hur hur.

Today was moderately interesting. But askdwqpd I can't think straight one bit - a short nap does not leave me well-rested enough to function at humane levels.

(9:09 AM) hauntho.//... ..: are you so devoid of human emotion. D:
(9:10 AM) hauntho.//... ..: and sanity, at that.

The world is all blurry and polonium! Hail to thee blithe spirits, spears of grass and whatnot.

They hailing to blithe spirits.

Tomorrow is Founder's Day. Which means I need to load new content onto my phone to amuse myself with. Which means that after that there won't really be any nice vacational periods to enjoy after this. Alas, such a bother - there is a sudden urge to fall asleep straight away and wake up in June for the holidays.

(10:33 PM) [ʏ3 [[ pendraval: I declare holy war on Physics and Chemistry.
(12:39 AM) 3N14 {*SINE - 1}: 9000 hobbits over isengard!

I need to find a way to sleep but not go into a state of incoherence in spite of the fact that life is interesting and amusing and thus worth observing, pray tell us why we do this shift key ginko nut? We must seek the parasol, and not the bounded field on the west side of the dark hole, lest you be eaten by a grue. O Captain! My Captain! What big eyes you have!



(12:19 AM) 3N14 {*SINE - 1}: like, omg! i was taken by surprise!

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